Public 0.1.0: Earlygame

A lot has changed since the latest public version 0.0.4, I'll quickly go over all the changes and will link you to the relevant devlogs. Saves are not compatible. If you see the changes below, you'll understand why.


Shrines are now fixed on the overworld and the art style has changed to be more top-down. Buildings also show their workers in the overworld.



Dungeons are now located on the overworld map, and can be reentered and removed once cleared.



These are the second Monstergirl race after the Ratkin. They have unique roles as Woolmages (equip woolen restraints on enemies), Siege Rams (charge into the enemy formation), or Mules (increase overworld movement speed). They can also be used to farm wool.



Starting Position and Character Creator:

You can now decide your starting position, learn what you're actually doing here, and customize your starting character.



Rather than a vague tech tree, the game now has a sort of tech progress circle. This makes it much clearer what techs exist and can be researched. There are also a bunch of new technologies.



There is now a second tier of buildings, both for first and second tier resources. Buildings now have special efficient recipes for specific races, giving you a reason to capture them.



Combat has been streamlined. You can now actively select your targets and move requirements have been simplified.




The way the catch rate, attach rate, and disrupt chance work has been completely redone. Using a much more intuitive mean time to happen system. It also means that these rates no longer hover around 50% all the time.


Critical Hits:

Rather than having critical hits decided by chance, critical hits now depends on specific conditions. These conditions can differ per move.



There are now 80 pieces of equipment available to craft and find.



You can now color your equipment. Some equipment also has special variants.



There's now a tutorial to teach you how to play.




  • Ramgirls, and the Wool Mage, Mule and Siege Ram roles.
  • Wool gear: mittens, boots, sweater, scarf, blindfold, straitjacket.
  • Gear coloring using a dye system.
  • Critical Hits.
  • Seven new starting positions and a way to select between them.
  • Full tech rework.
  • Combat Calculations rework.
  • There are now 80 pieces of equipment.
  • Overworld visuals have been reworked.
  • Buildings and recipes have been overhauled.
  • Starting Position Selector.
  • Character Creator.
  • Dungeon Rework.
  • Tutorials.


  • Slight tweaks to the puppet.
  • Move targetting rework.
  • Gene rework.
  • Most armor now increases health.
  • You can now delete groups.
  • Ramgirls now have their own breeding texture.
  • Dyes are now improved, and apply to all items, thanks Haraberu!
  • Default weapons no longer drop, nor can they be crafted.
  • Interact with shrines to unlock/upgrade them.
  • Enemies without valid moves will now Wait instead of cheating.
  • Girls now have different lengths (between +10% and -10%), Ratkin are on average slightly smaller (-5%).
  • Jobs now have simplified minimum stat requirements (always 100), but can have other (like racial) requirements.
  • Taunt has been renamed to Mark, only affects random moves, and is now a clear negative.
  • Times and Weights of items have been replaced by time/weight groups, improving consistency.
  • Loot in higher difficulties contains items/goods of higher rarities (see above).
  • Improved the in-combat UI.
  • Calculation Tooltips have been improved.
  • New Dungeon and Dungeon Combat soundtrack.
  • Stats above the minimum requirement now scale move damage.
  • If a recipe stops working, it now explains why.
  • Renamed Fertility to Allure and Lust to Pleasure.
  • Reduced the overworld encounter rate.
  • Overworld combats now always clear the tile. 
  • Max lust/pleasure now leads to an Orgasm, gives a negative Afterglow token and resets lust/pleasure. 
  • You can now call up the party selection window from the top of the overworld scene.


  • Yes.

If you want access to the preview with these changes (and a debug console), support me here:



Ero Hunters Windows 0.1.0 111 MB
37 days ago
Ero Hunters Mac 0.1.0 135 MB
37 days ago
Ero Hunters Linux 0.1.0 106 MB
37 days ago

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the pace of development has been crazy, big ups mado


I love the addition of the tutorial, the game is a quite different from Ero Dungeons and it was a bit confusing 👍🏼

When will the Android version be released??