Version 0.1.5: Trading and Kneeling
The mainland will send requests for special monstergirls your way. Completing these will grant goodwill, which can be traded for a consistent trickle of resources.
Trading serves as a sort of end game goal and reason to breed special genes into your monstergirls and think carefully about equipping them to reach stat thresholds.
Unlike in Ero Dungeons, where the kneeling puppet only used the main puppet's head, it now also reuses all limbs. The puppet can also seamlessly transition between kneeling and standing (in the same way the small overworld sprite transitions between left, up, down, right). Addionally, all rotation points for the skeleton are the same (though moved around a bit around the torso).

A huge problem with Kneeling in Ero Dungeons was that it significantly restricted the possible moves of the kneeler. Since each move had its own animation, using a non-kneeling move would just break the game. Ero Hunters uses Animation Sets for that. These are overrides for all animation groups, to serve as fallbacks (here, in case you breed the pet role into a human).
Another problem in Ero Dungeons was that skeletons were very hardcoded. Changing layers or bones would break all created animations, making it impossible to change puppets during development. In Ero Hunters, this is no longer the case. Here, I had to change the tail to its own layer where it used to be part of the crotch. On the one hand, it was needed to animate the tail, but it also ensures that I don't need to make multiple tail textures. Some may remember that tails would sometimes clip through the ground, and behave in other weird ways, in Ero Dungeons.

Anyway, this animation switching stuff is surprisingly difficult. The whole overhaul of animation tooling during very early development existed to make this possible, so it's nice to see it working.
The overworld is now mechanically in a good place, so it's time to shift attention to the dungeons. This means I need to make some foundational tools for creating curios and other custom dungeon rooms, as well as a mechanic to make dungeons worthwhile.
At the same time, there are still some unfinished odds and ends in the overworld. For example the breeding texture for wolfgirls, as well as some QoL stuff, and of course a bunch of bugs. Next release will probably be mostly bugfixes and completing those unfinished parts, while I'm working on the tools to make changes to dungeons.
It will also be nice to have a public release that's actually stable one day.
- Trading, see above.
- The pet role now kneels, see above.
- Haraberu improved the minimap, making the buttons more useable, and the minimap clickable.
- A large amount of bugfixes by Brilliand:
- Shrine unlock tutorial entries weren't getting completed.
- The healthbar still showed a defunct fatigue display.
- Some links were missing in the tech tree.
- Clicking an empty profile picture in the enchant screen could crash the game.
- has_perk wouldn't pass for t2 or higher perks
- Training auto-selection wasn't always working correctly.
- has_gene wouldn't pass for t2 or higher genes
- Multiple rank buttons could be pressed at the same time in several info panels.
- The inventory filter text box reloaded after each character typed.
- Dropdown menu on the gear filter didn't work, the filter also didn't save.
- Fixed a bug where girls could get lost after reloading.
- The advanced leather recipe gave the same amount as the normal one.
- During the tutorial the mana generator required a resource you're not guaranteed to have.
- The "owned" capture penalty would always be 1 instead of being dynamic.
- Second tech circle would darken when fully researched.
- Wolf leather harvester wasn't better than the normal recipe.
- If you wore two items with the same textures (e.g. mittens and bracers) there would be errors when drawing.
- The port near Urk didn't make sense.
- Gear slots would be grayed out even if you had fitting bound gear.
- Save compatibility for spawning outside of dungeon bounds.
- Perma moves could downgrade existing moves.
If you want access to the preview with these changes (and a debug console), support me here:
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Ero Hunters
Catch, Breed, Conquer
More posts
- Public 0.1.3: Bunnies, Wolves, and QoL10 days ago
- Version 0.1.3: Quality of Life18 days ago
- Version 0.1.2: Persistence and Roads24 days ago
- Version 0.1.1: Bunnies and Cleanup31 days ago
- Public 0.1.0: Earlygame37 days ago
- Version 0.1.0: Dungeons and Tutorials38 days ago
- Version 0.0.8: It's all coming together45 days ago
- Version 0.0.7: Tech Update (Common)52 days ago
- Version 0.0.6: Mules and Crits60 days ago
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