Alpha Devlog 8: Progress Report
I'll be releasing a preview of the pre-alpha will be available to subscribers on PATREON/SUBSCRIBESTAR next week (6 December). I don't really know what to call it, but it's similar to the Ero Dungeons Tech Demo that I released last year around July. I'll also give a detailed roadmap at that point.
I was reworking the catch chance calculations for the third time when I got fed up with updating the tooltips every single time. So I set out to create an easily changeable system for combat calculations (catch chance, attach chance, lust chance) which would also update tooltips automatically.
Unfortunately, working with percentages is always a pain. If an enemy state would double the catch rate, you can't just multiply the percentage. In theory you need to do some transformations, but that becomes very hard to reason about. Furthermore, chaining multiple effects will often lead to either 0% or 100% chance.
So the idea is to split up increasing and decreasing factors for the calculation and work that way. It allows me to make the calculations as complex as I want without overloading the player. From the tooltip you can clearly what you need to do to maximize your chances to attach a blindfold to the Ratkin.
It can also be changed easily by modders, and more importantly myself. The scripts used here are the same as the ones used everywhere else (as FOR: script).
I've been playing the game for a while now, and the goals just weren't working. There was too much stuff going on to care about them. The final drop was when I narrowly eeked out a victory against an overlevelled ratkin squad and got absolutely no experience. So I'm scrapping the goals system and going back to traditional experience gained from defeating enemies.
Here's how the experience gain works. To reach a level a player needs a*level*level cumulative experience, with 'a' a constant set by the game . Enemies give 'b'*level experience spread equally over the party, with 'b' an enemy specific constant. This is then modified linearly depending on the level difference between player and enemy, such that defeating 5 level lower enemies yields no experience and enemies your level yield full experience.
One of the things I look forward to the most when I start releasing weekly builds again is changelogs. It's a bit hard to tell what changes were made if they have to be topics in a devlogs. In changelogs on the other hand, you just simply list everything. This is useful in cases like this week, where all changes were just small stuff. Of course, without you actually having a previous version to compare, this doesn't say a lot. However, that won't stop me (though I won't include bugfixes yet):
- Animation Stuff
- Created dodge and damage animations and conditional handling of these animations.
- Improved the animation editor so it doesn't crash when you click the wrong buttons.
- The animation editor now allows you to set a preset user/target.
- Added idles for the Warrior and Mage ratkin types.
- Allow to transfer animation states between animations in the animation editor.
- Added the SelfStaff, StaffMolest, StaffNipples animations.
- Loot Stuff
- Update how loot works, it now uses a set of loot_scripts with tie in to the common actions.
- Implement loot handling after combat and in dungeons.
- Loot after combat/dungeons gets compressed to limit clutter.
- The whole calculation stuff, see above.
- UI Stuff
- Changed the ration/equipment combat selection UI to fit in neatly with the move UI.
- Made it so that every panel can be closed by Esc/Cancel.
- Implemented the combat retreat panel.
- Implemented the dungeon retreat panel.
- Opening panels now automatically pauses the game.
- Cleaned up the resource overview UI.
- Cleaned up the tile overview UI.
- Subtooltips in the GirlConclusionPanels were broken.
- Text didn't change upon defeat in the conclusion panels.
- Improved the research UI.
- Added an overview for your entire roster.
- Added an overview for the moves of a player.
- Added an overview for the entire colony inventory.
- Building Stuff
- Recipes now correctly stop working if the workers are incompetent or unwilling.
- Working buildings have a different texture from idle buildings.
- Buildings waiting for resources have a different texture from idle buildings.
- Implemented recipe tooltips.
- Included stone as a resource.
- Added upgraded variants to all resources.
- Updated the cost of all buildings/equipment.
- Added protection and attachment data to all equipment.
- Buildings can now only be interacted with when you're sufficiently close.
- Created the Ratkin breeding textures.
- Combat Stuff
- Enemies during combat will automatically select their rank depending on their preferences.
- Girls with low compliance now have a chance (depending on compliance) to use the Disobey move.
- Retreating is less painful in easy dungeons so new players aren't hit by skill issues.
- Each lust stage has a unique effect now.
- Girls do not die when they are killed, they just stop fighting.
- When the party wipes, you fail the dungeon and get teleported back to the port.
- Check for move validity before allowing enemies to use it.
- Moves now respect the weapon groups.
- Missed moves now make a miss sound.
- Move tooltips show the move requirements.
- Token durations have been implemented.
- Overworld Stuff
- Overworld population now slowly regrows.
- Lists have been made easier to debug.
- Reworked how different inventories are handled.
- Different overworld tiles impact your movement speed.
- Curio Stuff
- Added sound for the CurioPanel and some UIminor fixes.
- Added manual interactions for curios.
- Implemented class upgrade/evolution + a preview.
- Goals are dead, press F to pay respects.
Get Ero Hunters
Ero Hunters
Catch, Breed, Conquer
More posts
- Version 0.1.1: Bunnies and Cleanup5 days ago
- Public 0.1.0: Earlygame12 days ago
- Version 0.1.0: Dungeons and Tutorials13 days ago
- Version 0.0.8: It's all coming together19 days ago
- Version 0.0.7: Tech Update (Common)27 days ago
- Version 0.0.6: Mules and Crits34 days ago
- Version 0.0.5: Rams and Reworks41 days ago
- Version 0.0.4: World Map48 days ago
- Version 0.0.3: Upgrades55 days ago
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Hope this game will have Hypnos or Dominate Enemies to become player party
just looking at other games that have tried making similar games; giving the player the option to watch extended/repeating animations of the lude is often a nice touch. And, an event log for combat would be nice. (sometimes the animations happened so fast I wasn't even aware what happened).
Why not keep the goals and the xp system? Maybe the goals would give a larger chunk of xp, or make the harder goals give some sort of perk to the character.
Like you talked about the overleveled ratkin, maybe if you had a goal to kill a strong ratkin, you would get some nice xp and a perk that would make you stronger when fighting then, or improving your capture chance.
And for the smaler goals, maybe just some xp (and mana if it's still around) are enough. You would get a way to level a character early on with easy goals and something to set your sights on late game to permanently enhance the character.
I think this as well.
just connect the goals to a different mechanic. Like, if you kill a ratkin leader or a certain amount of them, you get the title „Ratkin slayer“ or something like that, which gives the character buffs/debuffs, if the enemy is a type of ratkin. Or it enables new attacks, new choices, new items and so on. There is quite a lot things you could do with that.
I was coming down here to suggest roughly the same thing. I do think that the xp system should probably be disconnected from the goals, because that is a frustration I have occasionally in ero dungeons that after a few hard fights I've not managed to actually gain any level progress, but the system itself could still be very useful for uncursing things, or gaining specific perks or abilities, or a variety of other things.