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Loading screen takes for-EVER

So... How do I change the cursed class? There is no information in the manual...

You have to reach level 9 in it to uncurse all of the associated equipment.

where can I get the commands list? Like for setting specific goals (not just the first one)?


pls add sandbox mode


I tried the game but had to stop after the first mission cause it seemed like the people I was playing as were doing rat girl genocide and that makes me uncomfortable. maybe I'm wrong but I'm not willing to give it another shot.

(1 edit) (+3)

I love this game, came here for the hentai category but stayed for the gameplay.


My advice is to summon to get Kaldea Razorwing and KEEP HER ALIVE! Change her class to even cursed classes, make her elite in all of them and then leave her at home.

OP buld to clear even the gates of hell from right to left.

Julia (Paladin): R.Bunnysuit (High ex.desire). Feline thights. Devine Spear. Parasite Choker. Martial Sleeves. Bad Luck charm And Corset Parasite. Her pasive skill will allow you to power up her allies who are the true heavy hitters. Use flegelation and bless weapon at the beggining of the encounter. At full HP she will not die.

Forevix(Warrior): Devine Set (ALL OF IT). She is the weakest hitter but the true heart of the team. Keep her lust low in order to maximize the efects of the Devine set. Her pasive skill will reveal the whole map and allow you to plan ahead of what you are going to do.

Ena(Alchemist):Mage Robe. Goth Corset. SHOTGUN!. Mana Amulet (Julia's pasive for the win). Enema Plug (I use Mage hat because of the cramps).  Bad luck Charm and Brain Parasite maxed (Remember to change when it matures after lvl 10 to keep the efects and not lose stats.) This is your heavy hitter, the more you fight, the more they will feel it. Remember to use Brand on the warrior and cleric to keep her lust in check. As for her pasive, if it does not kill, will heavilly debuff the enemy.

Limo(Cleric): Hakama. belt of denial. Lustfull Staff.  Hafling Ring. Martial Sleeves. Green Ribbon. Brain Parasite maxed (Remember to change when it matures after lvl 10 to keep the efects and not lose stats.) This is your healer and a really good one at that. Her pasive keeps her lust high but relatively under control and you will use that to negate all the deaths in the party.

Requires Heavy Grinding and you may lose many on your way. Good luck.

Hey, I'm having issues with the error report screen opening repeatedly and for no reason. Would you happen to have any ideas to fix it

(1 edit)

Good day People, i want to ask something... Can i buy a game in itchio with a visa gift card ? 



wait, this is literally "Darkest Dungeon"


question, how does one transfer save files (on windows)

(1 edit)

okay nvm it just works

Is it compulsory to have vulkan supported device

quick question, do saves transfer from the demo to the full version?


Yes, it says as much right at the top
"Saves from the demo are compatible with all other versions."

I've noticed some summoned units have addional visual characteristics(fox ears/tail, robotic parts, etc) is there a way to apply these characteristics to recruited units? 

Also are summoned units completely randomized or preset? If preset is there a way to summon specific units?


There are mods for those parts.

The summons are presets and those presets can also show up in the stagecoach. (Look for a solid gold border on the portrait.)

There isn't really a way to get a specific one, but you will eventually get the one you want because you'll get all of them.

Pregnant in hame

Привет, хочу купить игру, но на JAST нету версии для андроид, добавь пожалуйста  ^._.^

O poo thats so mean of steam i ben hoping this game wuld make it's way to steam. It has been a really fun game 

For the sake of interest, I'll ask. Would you like to try this game on steam? When will this game be available on steam??

(2 edits) (+1)

No, Steam rejected the game (and they don't allow retries)

They fear success.

Mado, is it possible to get a list of the colors used in the game and a little picture of how they look in-game?

If the picture is too much trouble just the names is fine (this would speed up a huge sprite mod that I'm trying to make).

Colors in-game are the Godot colors:, there's a list of all of them and their RGB code

Thank you 👍🏼

I'm trying to play, but it just shows a black screen with this box that says:

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

It seems you're using a browser that doesn't support SharedArrayBuffers (which are used for multi-threading within the game). Updating your browser or using a different one should work.

(1 edit)

Any plan for DLCs? I want more of this. 

You can see Ero Hunters as a sort of DLC, it has the same combat system and equipment is similar as well.

Is it intended for the Iron Maiden boss to be able to show up as a random encounter in Elite+ lab dungeons?


Good to know, just took me by surprise  when I got clobbered by one multiacting :D

What is the difference between, paid and premium, I want to make sure first before I buy it.

Premium adds a cheat/debug console and the soundtrack. It's the same in every other way.


The music in this game is so fire, props to whoever made it

(1 edit) (+1)

Like honestly, the cave and lab soundtracks are absolute bangers. 

How do you get favour?

Complete requests that spawn in every few days (your quest log glows blue when you have one available), such as "do this dungeon with only three people" or "get yourself a matured parasite without using the seedbeds"; once you beat the first boss, you can spend some of it on titles that give you passive favor per day.

Favour exploit. 

Summon Kaldea Razorclaw. KEEP HER ALIVE. Make her elite in every single class, even the cursed ones. Her pasive will give you 1 favor per elite class every day. Even with one elite class you will be able to skip a day without cost (Because Kaldea paid for it.)

My game keeps freezing as soon as the two people at the very beginning see me. The exclamation points appear above their heads, then nothing happens. Can't move, can't click on anything. Am I missing something? It's right at the beginning of the free browser demo.


When Darkest Dungeon II announces the Inhuman Bondage DLC, 
and you are like "oh that bondage is pretty tame compared to Ero Dungeons"


How do i recrute people on androin version i tap recruit but cant join them to party

You need to drag them to the right.

What is the difference between, paid and not, I want to make sure first before buying a paid one.

Paid has access to the full game where-as not paid only has up to the first boss. It's actually a very long trial run.

Thanks for Information

Am I missing something, or are alchemists borderline-essential party members for successful dungeon runs, at least in the early game?

I'm trying the demo (for the second time) and I'm finding that dungeons become vastly easier with an alchemist in the party.  No doubt part of that is because I've stumbled across two shotguns and a sniper rifle, but weapons I've found for other classes don't bring them up to the same level of effectiveness.

Have I just gotten really lucky with alchemist weapons and really unlucky with other class weapons?  Is this a "powerful early, mediocre later" thing?  Are alchemists just intended to be the preferred source of burst damage while other classes are supposed to be more utilitarian?

I haven't even used alchemists except where required by quests. I normally run a warrior or slave up front, slave/warrior/melee pet/tank-melee cow/paladin 2nd, healer or ranger/throwing dagger rogue/barking pet or buffing maid/bunny in 3rd, same options for 3rd in 4th. I guess it just depends on what you find.

Oh, they are just powerful. If you want to go scorched earth, they are your best option, However, the money that comes with capturing humans and the mana that comes from Long encounters. Those resources may be lost if you do that.


I bought the 10$ version is there a way to upgrade to premium version

what the hell is arm64-v8a architecture

It's a type of processor. Some macs  like M1 or M2 chips. Arm processors need different builds for some applications as they work differently. Look up your computer's specs to figure out what you need.
You've probably heard of Intel before. Arm is a competitor to intel.
Hope that helps

whats the full game code?

Can you translate it again?

to Korean

I feel like I'm stuck. I'm right at the start and all difficulties are adept. All my girls are below recommended level so it won't let me start a mission, but I don't think I can level them up without doing a mission with them. Is there something I'm missing?

You can enter a dungeon below recommended level, and the jump to adept is quite gentle. You need to do personal development goals to unlock skills and advance classes, each one you master also gives a stat point and HP permanently (the node after the permanent is not permanent, it's class prestige), cursed classes have 2, the second one gives equip immunity for their set . Most of the best moves are unlocked very early in a class so you're more reliant on your strategies, equipment, masteries, and stats than class level.


Thanks for helping and for extra clarification as there's a lot lol

where is the save file on android? i cant find it at all 

its a bummer because i want to transfer it to my pc version

I liked the demo but- I live in Brazil, the problem is the difference between dollar and real, since our financial economy is shit, I will still with the demo, sorry

Where's the save file located so i can back it up? It's not in the game's folder.

if u have the 10$ version can u upgrade it to the 18$ version or do u need to spend the whole 18$

Deleted 76 days ago
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