I just have a question. what's the difference between the $10 and $18 versions? Do you get any actual bonuses or is this like a ubisoft thing where I pay extra for different coloured pixels?
You can get them by interacting with "Black Shrine" if "Bimbo quirks <= 2".
"Black Visors" prevents "Bimbo tokens" and "Bimbo quirks".
Now all that's left is to advance through the dungeon until you find "Errant Signal", defeat it and find the exit.
Personally what I did was:
-Enter the dungeon, go north, go north, go west, go south, go south, go south. There is a "Black Shrine" there. Now go east and open the shortcut at the beginning. Go in and out of the dungeon until you get 4 "Black Visors".
- Now that I can prevent "Bimbo quirks" I erased them from the adventurers, formed a hyper-offensive team that defeated common enemies in 1 to 2 turns and advanced without problems until I found the "Errant Signal" in the labyrinth.
Important to note that you can't upgrade the rats. whatever level the cursed ring is that you get to force your character into a rat/slim/goblin/whatever it will always be that level and no further skills or progression on them will upgrade the class nor give you more fighting options. Which I find really sad actually.
Im playing on the mobile demo and for example i captured/kidnapped a girl and i want to put her in my party how do i do that? because it says press shift+click but i obviously dont have shift
Characters you capture during a dungeon cannot be added to your party. they are sold upon leaving the dungeon. The exceptions are ones you find tied up or in cages in the dungeon and you choose to take them with you/save them.
Good morning, afternoon, evening or night (I don’t know when you will read this message). I am very glad that you continue to work on your game project. Maybe I congratulate you on the New Year too early, but I hope that you will not lose your motivation and will delight us with new achievements.
Game locked up on me - I moused over the "tutorial quests" thing, it expanded and told me to click somewhere to dismiss the tutorial. Not sure if I did or not, but the expanded window went back to displaying "Hover over this tutorial for more info". Now music continues to play, but the UI is entirely unresponsive. Can't interact with the tutorial or anything else.
Edit: Javascript console shows things like:
06aefda2:0x64781 Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
You made it further than me. I tried hovering and got nothing but a frozen game lol. Same memory error, but I didn't check the addresses where mine were reported.
Great game, but the android version needs a UI overhaul, and the game itself needs a better tutorial. the buttons are too small to press accurately, and the controls could be placed in a way that is easier to access and use. the phone button gets in the way of content sometimes.
a learn as you go approach works great when most things explain themselves, but curios and other things do not explain themselves. i can vaguely guess that a curio is a treasure chest, or interactible object, since the curio counter goes up on certain chars goals when i use them. the cresrs are not clear at all in usage either. it looks like they influence traits and some other things, but i have no clue how they change outside of corruption.
a good game does not need a wiki to explain essential features, controls, and basic gameplay mechanics. all that should be easily understood or explained just by playing.
this game relies on a wiki and player community to understand basic things
Is it possible with the current mechanics to make an item that causes a ponygirl to get auto-grappled/mounted by the ally behind her in a way that also gives said ally a strong combat buff? Player cavalry essentially.
just drop the full version into the same folder as the demo version and have it overwrite any files. load the game and the save will be upgraded to the full version.
yeah that item's only real purpose is more quickly increasing the crest of purity. you can't level your character with it on due to the unobtainable goals.
Mado attempted to submit the game to Steam and was denied, unfortunately. If you look above, however, you can also purchase it through JAST USA's storefront.
Purifying Blood doesnt seem to be working, ive got an adventurer with soul collapse on the same team and the dots are not being removed, though some estrus is being applie
Premium is the $18 version with soundtrack and debug console, 'Patch 1' indicates (currently) latest patch applied with different renderer and bugfixes.
Hi guys i have a question the gate in seedbed boss dungeon it mentioned something about High in parasites what is that mean? I equipped a parasite set but it didn't work then I infected the adventurers with parasites and it also didn't work am I missing something?
And if there's anyone been able to defeat the seedbed boss is there any tips?
This is just a guess as I haven't brought one to it myself but I found in another area a gate asking for the "lowest" parasite. Your gate I'm guessing actually asked for the "highest". Now like you I had someone that had the full parasite set. However, I didn't have anyone with me that in the actual parasite slot(I did have the set version) had a "heel parasite" which I'm guessing is the lowest and the brain parasite of course would be the highest. My guess is you need to have someone with that parasite in their actual parasite slot. That being said if you run around enough and check each hole you can drop down you will eventually find the one that leads to the boss room without ever going through those doors.
Step 1: assemble a team of 1-3 adventurers. You'll need an open spot in your party.
Step 2: go to the overworld map, and click on the flag-button in the top-left of the screen.
Step 3: Carry out the mission for the character you want to save, keeping an eye out for the room with the "slave" icon (a bunch of chains).
Step 4: defeat the guards in the "slave" room, then open the door to where your character is kept and rescue her by walking over her. This puts her in the party (hence why you need an open spot.)
I'm pretty sure you don't need an empty slot. Whenever you pick up an excess char, to recruit, sell, or save, they just kind of follow behind the rest of the party until you leave the dungeon.
This is correct. you do not need an empty slot. Also, as a tip if you don't want to wait until the dungeon is lower level, just know that it will remain there even if you fail to complete the dungeon (had to retreat) and you can try again. Also rescuing them and then fleeing the dungeon still grants you the rescue and closes the dungeon, you just don't get the item the dungeon was offering.
Hey sometimes the quirks it displays adventurers getting at the end of dungeons aren't actually put on them when returning, I only noticed this later in the game so maybe it's that. I'm on day 95 but my main party barely has any good quirks, pls fix :)
Helo, I have two questions, is there any wiki to this game yet? And another thing, wich one is the "Raven" hair, I've tried with all kinds of hairstyle available to change but it seems that no one is the required for the Gothic choker
I've seen that once in a while, some adventurers have special hairstyles that can't be changed to, and I want to know if that kind of item are intended to function with some kind of special adventurer with special hairstyle or if I'm missing something
yep just needs black hair and vampire white skin for the two components of that set. Easily obtainable on any character once you unlock the related building.
Guy please tell me if there's a way to remove the black cover of the adventurers skin after defeating the latex mold boss. I read " permanent " on the description :')
Well I'm hammering questions today so I got another question about the divine set I got all clothes parts and when I equip them all of them get equipped with out a problem except the shirt it either turns to cursed black restaurants or fire slime ring what should I do ?
If equipment has a question mark next to it then it has a chance of not being what it appears as and instead being a cursed item, equipment rewarded for completing dungeons are always real so you could try that
Concerning the black cover, there's a machine in the dungeon usually on the same level as the pit that gave you the black cover that will only give an option to someone that is covered in the black goo. it says it will remove it. As to the Divine set it's basically luck as to whether or not you get the real one or as Secretsakura stated, the ones that come from dungeon completion rewards are always what they say they are so just keep an eye out for it as a reward.
I go to an adept dungeon with an all-adept team and it says that progress is locked because it’s too easy… Even though they were at recommended level… There are so many hidden things that need to be properly displayed. And the filters/lists need to be improved.
I’m confident that mods will improve the game’s content a lot but it’s still too early…
I’d give it a 5 if it was more replayable and forgiving and focused more on tasks rather than quirk randomness, so we can properly build and sell.
I’ve seen other people complain about lack of fetishes and limited classes but I personally would prefer more development aspects and possibly some open-world automation :0
Hey, so I don't know if this is just a browser thing, but every time my character gets cursed with the massaging wand and goes to use the ability the game crashes.
I've heard this happen before, it seems to be an issue with support for non-unicode programs on Windows. There's a solution in the Chinese translation thread on Discord.
← Return to game
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No, rejected.
I just have a question. what's the difference between the $10 and $18 versions? Do you get any actual bonuses or is this like a ubisoft thing where I pay extra for different coloured pixels?
The $18 version has a cheat console and a soundtrack. Everything else is the same.
wer is the cheat console becuas i did buy $18 version of mobile
Tap the ` key to bring it up
It's a great game and I really like it, so I'm trying to complete it 100%.
I've found some possible errors that I found while I was completing the "Curio Logs".
If I'm wrong about any of them I'd be grateful if you could let me know:
-- Caverns
-Cocooned Adventurer - extra_1
Require class "Cow" but in caverns only appear class "Maid" so this event never happen.
-Ratkin Checkpoint
In caverns, in Ratkin marks only appear Ratkin Barracks event. (Text and options from Ratkin Barracks event in Forest)
Never appear Ratkin Checkpoint event.
-Abandoned Shrine - default
Default option (Let's leave.) doesn't appear, only the other four.
-- Forest
Throughout the game I have not been able to trigger this event, I don't know what activates it.
-Pillory - extra_1
Require class "Cow" but in forest only appear class "Prisoner" so this event never happen.
-- Lab
-Iron Horse - extra_2
Require class different from "Cow" so this event never happen.
-Ominous Device - default
brainwashing_5 has priority above brainwashing_default so this event never happen.
-Milking Machine - default
the conditions of "above_desire,boobs,15" and "below_desire,boobs,16" are always met so "default" option never appear.
-- Ruins
- Stables - extra_1
Require class "Cow" but in ruins only appear class "Ponygirl" so this event never happen.
- Orc Orgy
orcorgy_4 has priority 100, above orcorgy_2 (priority 200) and orcorgy_3 (priority 300). This is why these events never happen.
-- Swamp
- Adoptable - extra_1
Require class "Cow" but in swamp only appear class "Pet" so this event never happen.
In addition to this I also have some doubts about how to get and what are some objects that I need to get to complete the "Item Catalog"
- Object between "Golden Bracers" and "Gothic Choker"
- Objects between "Mouth Mask" and "Nosehook"
Thanks for reading and sorry for my poor English as it is not my native language.
Between "Golden Bracers" and "Gothic Choker" is the "Golden Doll"
The others I don't know and I also miss the one between "Decaying Pocketwatch" and "Drinking Gag".
Between "Decaying Pocketwatch" and "Drinking Gag" is "Designer Handbag"
To get it you need to interact with "Black Shrine" in the laboratory of "Errant Signal" with an adventurer with "Bimbo quirks >= 2"
Do you know how to clear the Errant Signal dungeon ?
First you need to get four "Black Visors".
You can get them by interacting with "Black Shrine" if "Bimbo quirks <= 2".
"Black Visors" prevents "Bimbo tokens" and "Bimbo quirks".
Now all that's left is to advance through the dungeon until you find "Errant Signal", defeat it and find the exit.
Personally what I did was:
-Enter the dungeon, go north, go north, go west, go south, go south, go south. There is a "Black Shrine" there. Now go east and open the shortcut at the beginning. Go in and out of the dungeon until you get 4 "Black Visors".
- Now that I can prevent "Bimbo quirks" I erased them from the adventurers, formed a hyper-offensive team that defeated common enemies in 1 to 2 turns and advanced without problems until I found the "Errant Signal" in the labyrinth.
thanks for the instructions but all I got from the black shrine is the hand bag
How do I get a rat on my team?
With a Signet ring, that is a cursed piece of clothing.
Important to note that you can't upgrade the rats. whatever level the cursed ring is that you get to force your character into a rat/slim/goblin/whatever it will always be that level and no further skills or progression on them will upgrade the class nor give you more fighting options. Which I find really sad actually.
Im playing on the mobile demo and for example i captured/kidnapped a girl and i want to put her in my party how do i do that? because it says press shift+click but i obviously dont have shift
Characters you capture during a dungeon cannot be added to your party. they are sold upon leaving the dungeon. The exceptions are ones you find tied up or in cages in the dungeon and you choose to take them with you/save them.
Many times, when completing a dungeon, there may be a quirk displayed, but in reality, the character has not truly acquired this quirk
how can i remove things like blindfolds
When you hover over the item, you'll see that it has an uncurse goal. Once you fulfil that goal, you can remove it freely.
If i retreat on a rescue dungeon after finding and freeing the prisoner, will i keep the prisoner?
Good morning, afternoon, evening or night (I don’t know when you will read this message). I am very glad that you continue to work on your game project. Maybe I congratulate you on the New Year too early, but I hope that you will not lose your motivation and will delight us with new achievements.
Game locked up on me - I moused over the "tutorial quests" thing, it expanded and told me to click somewhere to dismiss the tutorial. Not sure if I did or not, but the expanded window went back to displaying "Hover over this tutorial for more info". Now music continues to play, but the UI is entirely unresponsive. Can't interact with the tutorial or anything else.
Edit: Javascript console shows things like:
06aefda2:0x64781 Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
at 06aefda2:0x64781
at 06aefda2:0x7fd389
at 06aefda2:0x80e657
at 06aefda2:0x80e1be
at 06aefda2:0x81506c
at 06aefda2:0x81ab97
at 06aefda2:0x81a93f
at 06aefda2:0x8319da
at 06aefda2:0x831983
at 06aefda2:0x8318de
You made it further than me. I tried hovering and got nothing but a frozen game lol. Same memory error, but I didn't check the addresses where mine were reported.
Great game, but the android version needs a UI overhaul, and the game itself needs a better tutorial. the buttons are too small to press accurately, and the controls could be placed in a way that is easier to access and use. the phone button gets in the way of content sometimes.
a learn as you go approach works great when most things explain themselves, but curios and other things do not explain themselves. i can vaguely guess that a curio is a treasure chest, or interactible object, since the curio counter goes up on certain chars goals when i use them. the cresrs are not clear at all in usage either. it looks like they influence traits and some other things, but i have no clue how they change outside of corruption.
a good game does not need a wiki to explain essential features, controls, and basic gameplay mechanics. all that should be easily understood or explained just by playing.
this game relies on a wiki and player community to understand basic things
Can we play as a male character too ?
seems sadly like no, if they do then i'd be more than happy to drop some cash on this and help fund this game.
Is it possible with the current mechanics to make an item that causes a ponygirl to get auto-grappled/mounted by the ally behind her in a way that also gives said ally a strong combat buff? Player cavalry essentially.
How to transfer the save file from the demo version to the full version?
That happens automatically.
just drop the full version into the same folder as the demo version and have it overwrite any files. load the game and the save will be upgraded to the full version.
Loved watching it develop can't wait to play the finished version
does anyone know how to finish Errant Signal dungeon? I'm lost
Thank you for your help. The game is great <3
This game needs a wiki page or something I have so many questions. Like one of my goals is "achieve world peace" like the fuqqq lol
There is, IIRC, a cursed item that gives the wearer unattainable goals; that is one of those goals.
yeah that item's only real purpose is more quickly increasing the crest of purity. you can't level your character with it on due to the unobtainable goals.
Hey! Does this great game have a wiki of some sort?
How exactly does New Game+/Ascension work? Does it lead to saved game slot loss/reset, or does it just unlock an NG+ option for empty slots?
Are there repeatable dungeons or will you run out of then eventually?
there are a few repeatable dungeons in the corners of the map
Absolutely love this game! plz upload on steam so I can buy the full version!!! (don't really trust this site with my payment info lol)
Mado attempted to submit the game to Steam and was denied, unfortunately. If you look above, however, you can also purchase it through JAST USA's storefront.
That is big sad. thanks for letting me know tho!
Purifying Blood doesnt seem to be working, ive got an adventurer with soul collapse on the same team and the dots are not being removed, though some estrus is being applie
Difference between demo and full version
The demo doesn't let you progress past the first boss.
What is the diffrence between premium and Patch 1?
Premium is the $18 version with soundtrack and debug console, 'Patch 1' indicates (currently) latest patch applied with different renderer and bugfixes.
Hi guys i have a question the gate in seedbed boss dungeon it mentioned something about High in parasites what is that mean? I equipped a parasite set but it didn't work then I infected the adventurers with parasites and it also didn't work am I missing something?
And if there's anyone been able to defeat the seedbed boss is there any tips?
This is just a guess as I haven't brought one to it myself but I found in another area a gate asking for the "lowest" parasite. Your gate I'm guessing actually asked for the "highest". Now like you I had someone that had the full parasite set. However, I didn't have anyone with me that in the actual parasite slot(I did have the set version) had a "heel parasite" which I'm guessing is the lowest and the brain parasite of course would be the highest. My guess is you need to have someone with that parasite in their actual parasite slot. That being said if you run around enough and check each hole you can drop down you will eventually find the one that leads to the boss room without ever going through those doors.
How do i rescue my characters? Is there a specific mission I need to do? I'm playing on the downloaded demo rn
Step 1: assemble a team of 1-3 adventurers. You'll need an open spot in your party.
Step 2: go to the overworld map, and click on the flag-button in the top-left of the screen.
Step 3: Carry out the mission for the character you want to save, keeping an eye out for the room with the "slave" icon (a bunch of chains).
Step 4: defeat the guards in the "slave" room, then open the door to where your character is kept and rescue her by walking over her. This puts her in the party (hence why you need an open spot.)
Step 5: Make it to the exit as normal.
Hope this helps!
thank you so much I really couldnt figure it out for the life of me! My problem was just that I didn't have an open slot in my party :/
I'm pretty sure you don't need an empty slot. Whenever you pick up an excess char, to recruit, sell, or save, they just kind of follow behind the rest of the party until you leave the dungeon.
This is correct. you do not need an empty slot. Also, as a tip if you don't want to wait until the dungeon is lower level, just know that it will remain there even if you fail to complete the dungeon (had to retreat) and you can try again. Also rescuing them and then fleeing the dungeon still grants you the rescue and closes the dungeon, you just don't get the item the dungeon was offering.
Cool game. Runs well on my Steamdeck (steam version itself is not available in germany). Have you considered adding real controller support?
Hey sometimes the quirks it displays adventurers getting at the end of dungeons aren't actually put on them when returning, I only noticed this later in the game so maybe it's that. I'm on day 95 but my main party barely has any good quirks, pls fix :)
I also encountered this problem
Helo, I have two questions, is there any wiki to this game yet? And another thing, wich one is the "Raven" hair, I've tried with all kinds of hairstyle available to change but it seems that no one is the required for the Gothic choker
I've seen that once in a while, some adventurers have special hairstyles that can't be changed to, and I want to know if that kind of item are intended to function with some kind of special adventurer with special hairstyle or if I'm missing something
Just realized it refers to the hair color, I'm going to cry
Did you found it ? 😂
it's hair color,in contrast to the pale skin requst of the corset
yep just needs black hair and vampire white skin for the two components of that set. Easily obtainable on any character once you unlock the related building.
Guy please tell me if there's a way to remove the black cover of the adventurers skin after defeating the latex mold boss. I read " permanent " on the description :')
There's a way to undo it in the same dungeon you got it.
Where ? How ? 👀
Is it the pit or the machine?
Well I'm hammering questions today so I got another question about the divine set I got all clothes parts and when I equip them all of them get equipped with out a problem except the shirt it either turns to cursed black restaurants or fire slime ring what should I do ?
If equipment has a question mark next to it then it has a chance of not being what it appears as and instead being a cursed item, equipment rewarded for completing dungeons are always real so you could try that
I got it from the elite dungeons and i tried to equip it more than three times
if you got it from the dungeon it can be cursed but if it's the reward for beating the dungeon then it's always real
Concerning the black cover, there's a machine in the dungeon usually on the same level as the pit that gave you the black cover that will only give an option to someone that is covered in the black goo. it says it will remove it. As to the Divine set it's basically luck as to whether or not you get the real one or as Secretsakura stated, the ones that come from dungeon completion rewards are always what they say they are so just keep an eye out for it as a reward.
is there a way to change guild name?
I go to an adept dungeon with an all-adept team and it says that progress is locked because it’s too easy… Even though they were at recommended level… There are so many hidden things that need to be properly displayed. And the filters/lists need to be improved. I’m confident that mods will improve the game’s content a lot but it’s still too early… I’d give it a 5 if it was more replayable and forgiving and focused more on tasks rather than quirk randomness, so we can properly build and sell. I’ve seen other people complain about lack of fetishes and limited classes but I personally would prefer more development aspects and possibly some open-world automation :0
Hey, so I don't know if this is just a browser thing, but every time my character gets cursed with the massaging wand and goes to use the ability the game crashes.
What's the Old Renderer version about?
Can someone help me use the web?
I‘m sorry but why I choose chinese and text just look like many block? it's any bug?
I've heard this happen before, it seems to be an issue with support for non-unicode programs on Windows. There's a solution in the Chinese translation thread on Discord.