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para cuando en español? :c

I can't buy this game, and I also can't purchase a patreon 

Most likely, it's because I'm from Russia. Is there any way?

For those that run the game on the Snapdragon X laptops and experiencing poor performance, run the game with the: 
--rendering-method mobile
command line option.

This fixes most of the stutter. 

For more technical users you can also recompile the project from it's git repository and export it as Windows ARM64. This improves performance however the mobile rendering method is still required.

How to get rid of latexfied

Sorry friends, I am not a native English speaker. There is a machine at the bottom of the Latex Boss map -1 layer that can remove

How does one make a person the job like ''Cow, Maid, Puppy ect?''

Get a handful of cursed items from that group and it forces the class on the character. Midway through the research tree, you unlock them to swap like you would a normal class

Is there a wiki section somewhere where you could look at how to get a particular feature? The cartographer is especially interested in this feature and I would like to know about all the features available in this game

My English is bad

I've been playing this game for 46 hours


Cartographer is a unique quirk that only occurs on a single preset, there's no way to get it otherwise.

And what kind of regime is this?? I just don't know how I got it. I got the cartographer's character somewhere closer to day 90

Is this this mode? It's just that other than that, I don't know exactly what else can affect it.

No, that mode makes characters start with random desire levels instead of all 0s aside from bust size.  

The Cartographer quirk is a unique quirk possessed by a single unique adventurer; keep using summoning circles.


hahahahahaha THIS IS GOLD 


I've purchased 10 dollar version and would like to upgrade to the premium version. Is there a way to pay the difference and get the premium version ?

It's not possible. Though if you pay $8 more on Itch, and then send me a message on Discord I'll send you a key directly

Thank you! I've sent you the message.

Message received and key sent.

I purchased ero dongeons on jusat, but just doesn't provide an Android version. Can you give me an Android version of the game

Can you send me a message on Discord, I'll give you a key there.

hey someone in chat put the code key for full content in chat

I mean can I have the web code

Is there some sort of wiki, or in-game help? I love the idea of the game but I'm very confused about what the various icons mean in combat.

There's an in-game reference. I think it's a question mark that's usually down at the bottom-right. The icons are explained under 'tokens'.

My warrior has be cursed into a ponygirl by curios, is there any way to turn her back to warrior?

sure, you need a fucking church to uncurse the cursed gear.

The other persons reply is the quickest and easiest method, but it also costs favor.

Alternatively you can look at the cursed items they have a method written on them to uncurse them. After you do that you can then remove the items and pay mana to swap class back to warrior

I'm a little late to this, but it's awesome to finally see the game released. Been playing since curios were first added, (version 0.8 I believe?) and seeing it all come together has been a blast. Finding new combinations between items, curios, crests, hypnosis and etc. to fine tune my adventurers into powerful damage conduits, or just dumb shit, is what keeps me coming back.

The game does everything it can to throw everything you build up straight down the garbage, curios replacing your glory personality traits with relaxation ones, enemies replacing armor and changing your classes, adventurers getting kidnapped from an enemy combo just being a straight damage cannon. It all adds a sense of tension where you remain cautious so that one slip up doesn't result in your Alchemist turning into a maid. HOWEVER, even if that does happen, you can still make do with a bad situation. For example, I kept getting all my mages turned into cursed classes early game and one of them in particular, named Isolde, ended up turning into a prisoner. After that I said "fuck it" because this is the 3rd or 4th mage at this point and proceeded to try turning her into a pure glass cannon, without the glass part because prisoners are tanks. Hyperfocus Visor, Bondage Mittens, Muscular quirk, around 17 strength and a full Crest of Lust, she's hitting 18-22 on each strike punching chunks out of everything sorry enough to stand in her way, only thing missing is if Boots of Speed synergized with Giant's Belt of Strength. The game forces you to adapt either by learning what everything does and maneuvering around their strategies, or working with what your given to foster a hidden gem.

As porn material, I've said it before but yeah, I don't think it lands on that front as the only real "action" is from enemy grapples like most machines or the orcs. CGs can play during certain actions, but they're there for only a second and are still images. It's sexual in mostly theming which is probably intentional, just a heads up for anyone looking for that.

Overall I'm glad I found this game and can't wait to see how Ero Hunters turns out.

I can't help myself...

I didn't want to talk about the music because I would make the comment even longer than it already is, but It's way too good for me to pass up and it's why I bought the $18 version, in fact I'm ranking them because I'll never get another chance to talk about it. Not counting "Conquest" because it's just a 7 second stinger or both variants of "Returning Home" because I don't think they really fit the criteria.

Main Menu Theme - Perfectly sets up the vibes the game gives overall, with what I believe to be a harp and slow vocal track establishing that beyond that start button is a world filled to the brim with devious horrors desperate to bring you to your knees. It's here at the bottom because it's not something I'm bopping my head to, still good I'm just not actively banging my head.

The Guild Theme - Chill little medieval tune that still embarks a sense of heroism. It is somewhat repetitive playing the "Onward adventurers" verse twice before the "conquer the world" bit before it loops, but it's sufficient.

Return of the Fuckbot (Lab) - Again, fits atmospherically with the various techno plucks and distorted bass which are quite enjoyable, I'm just not feeling the vocals. the lyrics for this one are just various sexual taunts which just don't jive with me. Also possesses the only real English lyrics aside from The Guild and Fempire, everything else is either I think Latin or little various do-dos.

Overworld Theme - Nails the "marching onward for crusade" vibe for sure, not really much else to say if I'm being honest.

Of Mice and Women (Forest) - For the first track you'll hear in the actual game itself, this one's definitely the best one for it. It captures what being in a forest feels like with the piano, violins, woodwinds and vocal tracks, (shocking I know,) a serine landscape filled with vibrant greens and blues with the risk of furry things wanting to eat your face, before getting hit with the chaos that you'll inevitably met.

The Fempire Strikes Back (Lab Battle) - RUBBER BAND. Seriously though, a major step up from Fuckbot, (I dare you try to say that out loud with a straight face.) The vocals are still the taunts, but they've been sampled in a way that is more in line with the instrumental and not trying to be its own thing.

Rat Raiders of the Lost Jerk (Forest Battle) - I have to admit, the intro is a little slow, which would set it below Of Mice and Women, but then the violins came in, then the vocals and now we're talking. You're in the middle of the woods, shit's going down and that furry thing is hungry, it's do or die! Oh, wait... it's just a ratkin peasant... KILL IT!!

Song of the Slimes (Swamp) - For a track that's meant to take place in the middle of the dank marshlands, it almost sounds... ethereal? Is that just me? Either way, the bells and various string instruments really tie this one together.

Incubation Theory (Cavern) - Everything I said about the Main Menu music, apply it here but make it an actual bop. The piano and droning noises perfectly give off the feeling of "I really shouldn't be here" you would feel being trapped in a mountainous cavern, but you can't help but be drawn in especially with the low vocals and rapid hi hats ringing in your ears.

Song of the Trees (Swamp Battle) - Who ever gave the orchestra a pay rise, give them one as well. It is just a more upbeat version of Song of the Slimes, but I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Feast and Fire (Ruins Battle) - If Incubation Theory is the feeling of "I shouldn't be here," then this is the feeling of "awww...fuuuuck." It's almost as if the entire greenskin tribe heard you rummaging in their living room and collectively said "GET 'EM!" The only thing I don't like is the added little acepella near the end of the track at the 1:36 mark, it kinda feels slapped onto what was already a perfect song.

Snirblin Torga (Ruins) - The only time an overworld theme did better than the battle version. For me it's because Snirblin Torga feels like you've successfully infiltrated the tribe, but are still yet to be caught. In Feast and Fire, everything is moving at the same pace as if you're just trying to get one inch forward away from it all. Here? It constantly changes as if it's business as usual across various landmarks in the area, until you start a fight then all hell breaks loose with Feast and Fire.

Shifted Sisters (Cavern Battle) - I have no idea how you did it Mado, or whoever else may have made this, but this is a masterpiece. Everything about this just works, from the chanting vocals, to the guitars, to the synth, to the drums, to the bells. Somehow you've made a track that manages to be both hypnotic AND a complete blood rush. Just standing ovation.


Musician here, thank you for your extremely kind words. Got some computer problems at the moment, but once resolved I will be working on the music for Mados next game. Since then I have upgraded from reason 5 and 8 to the latest iteration, so I think I will be able to make some really good tunes. 

The fuckbot song was the first I made for Ero Dungeons, I think I kinda found the "voice" of the project a bit more as I progressed through the tunes. 

If you like my shit you can check out the soundtrack to my own game (shameless plug):

Since you like the Shifted Sisters song, this may be up your alley. 


I change game language to Korean\Chinese\Japanese but it unable to display text properly. WIN10/11 users seems no abnormalities reported. So it's just because I use WIN7 x64?

(2 edits)

It feels like there's a bit too much weight for higher-level missions. I have 1 Elite, 4~ Veterans, 30-something Adepts (chars), but right now in a spread of 10 available missions, half are for Elites and half for Veterans.. Wondering if I'm supposed to drop the Elites into new novice jobs until more catch up.

Edit: Dropped the Elite (removed cursed signet ring) and now there are no Elite chars and still same mission ratio..

I don't think the difficulty is based on what characters you have, but what parts of the map you have unlocked. Go to the map, click on the Map Modes button, and switch to the difficulty map. It'll show you which areas of the map are which difficulty.

(3 edits)

Whichever the case, it's starting to feel like I'm just entering a failstate I can't really get out of.

Edit: Guess I just need to make more use of weapons and maybe training. Had some poor starts trying weaker chars in harder dungeons before, but my most recent attempts are doing okay. Might need to identify problem chars and check their stats more closely. Was also neglecting the personal goals a bit too much. 

I'm having some problem I got a new phone and can't download the game it will only say the app isn't compatible my phone is Infinix smart 9, hope it would be noticed cause I like the game from my past phone

Hello I need help, I'm wondering if does it accept Savings card payment, if not is there any other methods? since I don't have PayPal as well only GCash?. really want to play the complete version of the game.

Ok, I like the game, but has anyone a mod exchanging the "Reach veteran level" requirement of cursed items with "Work in that job"? Because right now having chars captured - or just opening the wrong chest - is not "challenging but forgiving". It's just: yeah, dismiss char, train a new one. And since I like to give my girls names, personalities, etc., this is very frustrating.

(3 edits)

You can get rid of those sorts of curses later with a certain building unlock, but it takes a while to get that. Just have to kind of go for a mix of dropping some chars, adapting to curses with others, or ignoring the item if possible. (Just try to get your stagecoach to where you always have 4+ replacement choices available when you get back to town.. also pump up your barracks capacity.)

Re: trapped chests, you can avoid most problems with those by learning to spot mimics and using sacrificial chars to map out the consequences of the actions taken (as you encounter each potential result, the game will show % chances of outcomes for specific interactions.)

Kidnappings can feel devastating in the beginning, but as options increase they're really not so bad.

I'm a bit confused with the token mechanics. A paladin of mine has a cursed corset and it says "Start turn with 5 (corset icon) token: 0/1"

(2 edits)

The "corset/posture collar/heels of education" have a chance each turn to add a semi-permanent token that persists through dungeons. The token can stack up to 10x, but in order to uncurse the item, you need to start a turn with 5 tokens.

Edit: those tokens have a chance to be reduced by 1 by NOT wearing any corset/posture collar/heels.

absolutely loved the demo, waiting for the steam release so i can play it in full


Steam has denied the game, so it won't be coming there

Deleted 115 days ago

What could be the reason for that? It makes no sense. 

Have you tried GOG?


Steam is infamous for censoring games that resemble anime and contain more sexual themes. A relatively recent example was the game "Order Us!" which got taken down because they deemed that one of the characters was a minor due to her having a smaller bust size, even though the characters are over 18. If you want to check it out the game for yourself here's a link to the demo with the devlog having the full game links.

Jeez that's a terrible reason to deny a game. I am really tired of the body shaming of petite women. 

I'll give the game a look. 

I wish this game will be found on steam someday.

(1 edit)

The game is a good game.But I have some advice:

1.I hope the players have more choice to dispose the capture caught from the dungeon Such as the PRISONER,TECHNICIAN,PRINCESS,DANCER(The reason is these enemies are so abominable in dungeon adventure.But players have no way to punish them. Only can turn them become gold!). Not only sell them for money. It made me uncomfortable to use the team member to implant the parasite(It's another reason.).

2.The team member's corruption is a good system.Can this system use to the capture from the dungeon? Hope have the jail in players base!

3.The things use to caught the enemies from the dungeon are too little. Maybe increase these sort things ?Just like handcuffs and so on.

So i have a complaint about the premium version. I was messing around in the settings and i accidentally set the hotkey for loading the last save as left click mouse button and now i cant undo it because i need to use left click to open the menu to fix it. why is the no "unbind" when binding hotkeys? Now an $18 game i JUST bought is literally unplayable. help please.

You can download the game again and start the new one instead, that should fix the issue, no?

I got help from their tech support section on discord, had to change the "settings" text file in %appdata%/EroDungeon/Saves to erase my keybinds

I try to play the play in browser on android cause my pc is not working right but it freezes when I try to play it. (P.S: Please make the browser playable on mobile :[

Also when i play browser version it plays a distorted soundtrack

What am I getting with Premium besides the console commands?

Only that and the soundtrack.

Hello,Author. I like your game very much. But I wouldn't like to use my own team member to test the parasite. So I want to make a mod that can take the kidnapped enemies into the adventurer team. Not only sell the prisoner for money. So I want to find the script of the capture delivery.But now I lost the clue. Could you help me?

Hello author. I love your game very much. But the capture only can sell for money in the game.It's made not comfortable. So I want to make the mod to take the capture into the adventure team when player out of the dungeon.However, I lost all the clue. Could you give me a help?

It's a game limitation, it's not possible to mod captured enemies to become part of the player team.

Thanks reply to me.But I see the character massage when I CAPTURE THE ENEMIES blow the adventurers team. Just like the common adventurers. But they are all in the kidnapped sort. So I think maybe click their iron in adventurers' inventory to change their sort to adventuring by mod.I have crate some mod for Don't stave together.So I think it just the problem of trigger.Just crate a trigger to change the sort can solve this problem. But now I realize it may the game main core don't have imitation,(Sooooo sad).I really hope your game can have using the capture to do the slaves' job or do the PARASITE TEST. Because I'm a small lead who upgrade for the basic work place in the real world.That made me have the special relationship between my subordinates no matter in the real or game. Although I' m disappointed with no capture system,I like this game and this kind of butter (act) game very much.I really hope to have this system in your game.And then I can take the beautiful girl enemies to the players base and punish them so that see their uncomfortable expression.But when I see my team member or someone rescue from dungeon have suffer the torturous whoever take. My heart will be ashamed.Because I not doing well in the leader's work!

Tip: this first mission of training ORA to serve her foe.I absolutely refuse! My motto: Whatever you done in other place. If you are my subordinates and not the criminal or hostile someone of me. You are a blank paper. And I will treat you like a family member!


Thanks reply to me.But I see the character massage when I CAPTURE THE ENEMIES blow the adventurers team. Just like the common adventurers. But they are all in the kidnapped sort. So I think maybe click their iron in adventurers' inventory to change their sort to adventuring by mod.I have crate some mod for Don't stave together.So I think it just the problem of trigger.Just crate a trigger to change the sort can solve this problem. But now I realize it may the game main core don't have imitation,(Sooooo sad).I really hope your game can have using the capture to do the slaves' job or do the PARASITE TEST. Because I'm a small lead who upgrade for the basic work place in the real world.That made me have the special relationship between my subordinates no matter in the real or game. Although I' m disappointed with no capture system,I like this game and this kind of butter (act) game very much.I really hope to have this system in your game.And then I can take the beautiful girl enemies to the players base and punish them so that see their uncomfortable expression.But when I see my team member or someone rescue from dungeon have suffer the torturous whoever take. My heart will be ashamed.Because I not doing well in the leader's work!

Tip: this first mission of training ORA to serve her foe.I absolutely refuse! My motto: Whatever you done in other place. If you are my subordinates and not the criminal or hostile someone of me. You are a blank paper. And I will treat you like a family member!

Deleted 115 days ago




Bought the game i had 18 hours in the just the demo content so it is worth it

How do we unlock new classes like the bunny? One of my adventures is cursed with an item that gives a lot of bonuses to that class

An adventure must have 3 class related items put on her to become a cursed class. An item will say in the description if it is part of a curse set.

Thank you!


i had downloaded the game for android, how do i make sure to download it again without loosing my progress?

even if I am forced to play on the web version, I don't mind as long as my progress remains


Your progress should remain if you install an updated version for Android.

It's not possible to transfer your Android saves to the Web version though.

How do you start new game plus?

Will there a be a final fetish list somewhere?

Purchased the 10 dollar version before I realized that the premium version was a thing. I only seem to be able to buy the premium at the full price, as a new purchase; is it possible to get a refund for the 10 dollar purchase I made, as it was effectively a mistake, now that I've bought the premium version?


LOL i did exactly this too bro.

ive emailed itch support hoping they give me my $10 back, u should try this too

how do u confirm a mission like slutifacation

Does anyone know what a Web password gives?

I'm guessing it's to unlock the full game features on the web version.

You fill it in in the web version to get access to the full game and/or debug console.


Hello, i am from Russia, is there any other way to buy game?


You can try JAST:
They have some additional payment options.

This is great, if only there was a direct way to pay not in dollars but in rubles or card options, it's just a pity the game is not available for Android 😅(or so I think?)

(1 edit)

The game is available for Android though.

Edit: True, not on JAST though

I was talking about the payment app, there is no android icon, is it definitely available?

(1 edit)

You're right, it indeed doesn't have Android included.


when i downloaded windows demo windows says that there's a virus


That happens with Windows Defender sometimes, it will flag files it hasn't seen before until enough people use it to trust it.

The message you got was probably wacatac.H!ml, which is a heuristic (H) by the AI (machine learning, ml) of windows defender. If you've downloaded the file from here, it's safe. If you want to be 200% sure, upload it to virustotal.


What does the Premium version get us?


Access to the cheat console and the soundtrack.

Debug console and the soundtrack


In about half an hour.

This is amazing. It's a fun, lewd twist on Darkest Dungeon. I haven't even had one of my adventurers fucked yet, and I'm having a blast. I'll definitely be buying when it releases.


Good news. It comes out tomorrow. 10/25/24



So what is the story with the steam release? I heard it was denied? 


Indeed, that's pretty much the story. Steam doesn't give a lot of details when they deny something.

(1 edit) (+3)

That is a shame. Steam has some strange standards given that they have over 5 different Hitler themed henti games on their platform.

the game lags so much, does it work on low end old computers?

it's already at like 10 fps and I'm just in the main menu.

Sorry, if you're already at 10fps on the main menu, combat itself will be completely unplayable.

I figured out it only does that on the download, the web version is fine.

Hey, game is fantastic. Will our current save data or destiny points carry over to the release date version? It's probably recommended to start a new run with the new ver, right?


Everything should carry over without problems.

I have an odd problem. I have had issues with my computer crashing and having to reinstall windows to resolve the issue.  When I do most of the games I play are still installed, however lose the save data for this game. The game is installed as well as the mods but the save file must be stored somewhere that gets wiped with the install. Any Idea where I can more it to that is safer or a way to get a back up or cloud save?

Saves are stored under %APPDATA%/EroDungeons

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